Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Famous: Tip # 7--Authors Show Now Booking Guests

The Authors Show (Radio version) Now Booking Guests

I was sent this e-mail in case anyone is interested (I was on their blog radio show a couple of weeks back):
From: info@wnbnetworkwest.com
Subject: The Authors Show (Radio version) Now Booking Guests

We are now booking authors for guest spots on the RADIO version of The Authors Show, for authors in the CHILDREN and CHRISTIAN genres only. We also welcome children authors (with parental permission and supervision during interview).

Interviews are conducted by telephone and broadcast respectively on TheChildrenAuthorsShow.com and TheChristianAuthorsShow.com
Interested? please reply to this email and include: Book title+ subtitle Book genre& ISBN # Book synopsis(100 words max.) This will appear on the show page when your inteview is featured Year book published Your phone # Your website address - Note to publicists: this must be the author's website 3-4 preferred interview dates A photo of your book cover, and (optional) your photo - headshot preferred Reply to this email ONLY if you write in the Children or Christian genre.We will resume interviews in other genres in November.
All requested information must be provided with your email. Interviews are done at no cost to participants, with optional affordable marketing opportunities available for purchase if you wish to maximize your exposure beyond the initial broadcast. The optional program will be emailed to you with the guest selection confirmation. Danielle Hampson Executive Producer The Authors Show With each show, a new author & a new book!

Lisa here again: If you want to download my free e-book, "How to Get Published," you'll find it on the button to your right.


Charles Patricoff said...

Thanks for the tip. Those of us who are "Unknown," need all the help we can get to promote our work.

Andrea Campbell said...

Hi, Lisa,

Thanks for writing me. For those writers who have a nonfiction book proposal or novel completed or near completion, I teach an online e-class called: THE GATEKEEPERS:
All About Agents and Editors - Getting them, working with them, and growing as a career author

For more information or registration, go to: http://www.wow-womenonwriting.com/WOWclasses.html#AndreaCampbell

Dawn Stephens said...

thanks for sharing this Lisa
I will definitely contact them to see if they are interested in an interview with me and The Little Pot.

Unknown said...

Social Media is so democratizing! Thank you for the FYI, Lisa. I hope that The Authors Show hosts will appreciate It's MY Crisis! And I'll Cry If I Need To: EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge (http://www.booklocker.com/books/4244.html) as much as the clergy of different faiths who use and recommend it ;^ )

Yocheved Golani http://www.linkedin.com/in/yochevedgolaniink
www.yochevedgolani.com and

Bonnie A Wayne said...

Thanks for the tip! I'll be in touch with them for The Adventures of Bella and Finny Series!

Anonymous said...

Wow, indeed cool post. How will I get your subscription?

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